The fact is that tomorrow is the last day of the year, of another of my life, where so many thing have happened, things that are both small and large, but valuable all the same.
And sadly, as life goes on, and I get older, I'll forget some of the things that I have learned in my life.
I'm hoping that I look back at this post, and one day this entire blog, when I'm writing for the Chicago Tribune, or the New Yorker, and remember what it was like to be a teenager in high school. teenager falling in love, getting ready for college, laughing, crying, and just living.
Things I've Learned this Year
- Everyone should be in a musical
- PERFECT practice makes perfect
- University of Rochester is the place I want to be
- My role model is now Lacey Sturm
- I love eyeliner
- The instyler does actually work
- Facebook is addictive
- Adam Levine's voice is amazing
- Personality tests lie sometimes
- I want be a journalist. Not just any journalist. One that changes the world.
- I'm gorgeous :)
- Macs aren't actually that complicated
- They never tell you who the mother is on How I Met Your Mother
- I love that I don't exactly fit in.
- Eminem isn't the bet rapper alive. Who is, though, I don't know
- Just because I'm a writer doesn't mean I can't struggle with English
- Salad is delicious
- French dressing is the best dressing
- I never get tired of pizza
- I can't cut hair
- I only write songs when I'm heart broken
- I'm the world's worst procrastinator
- I desperately want a job
- Converses are the best type of sneaker
- I'm a hopeless romantic
- Really bad movie are the best movies
- College is actually real
- Heartbreak always sucks
- I have a big ego
- Never have any regret
- I can have a best guy friend
- You cant save someone, no matter how hard you try. Only they can do that.
- I can be hopelessly oblivious
- I'm extremely disorganized
- No matter what happens, I'm graduating high school in a year and a half