Friday, December 30, 2011

Lessons Learned This Year

This has become a tradition, compiling the multitude of things I have learned into a list.
The fact is that tomorrow is the last day of the year, of another of my life, where so many thing have happened, things that are both small and large, but valuable all the same.
And sadly, as life goes on, and I get older, I'll forget some of the things that I have learned in my life.
I'm hoping that I look back at this post, and one day this entire blog, when I'm writing for the Chicago Tribune, or the New Yorker, and remember what it was like to be a teenager in high school. teenager falling in love, getting ready for college, laughing, crying, and just living.

Things I've Learned this Year
  1. Everyone should be in a musical
  2. PERFECT practice makes perfect
  3. University of Rochester is the place I want to be
  4. My role model is now Lacey Sturm
  5. I love eyeliner
  6. The instyler does actually work
  7. Facebook is addictive
  8. Adam Levine's voice is amazing
  9. Personality tests lie sometimes
  10. I want be a journalist. Not just any journalist. One that changes the world.
  11. I'm gorgeous :)
  12. Macs aren't actually that complicated
  13. They never tell you who the mother is on How I Met Your Mother
  14. I love that I don't exactly fit in.
  15. Eminem isn't the bet rapper alive. Who is, though, I don't know
  16. Just because I'm a writer doesn't mean I can't struggle with English
  17. Salad is delicious
  18. French dressing is the best dressing
  19. I never get tired of pizza
  20. I can't cut hair
  21. I only write songs when I'm heart broken
  22. I'm the world's worst procrastinator
  23. I desperately want a job
  24. Converses are the best type of sneaker
  25. I'm a hopeless romantic
  26. Really bad movie are the best movies
  27. College is actually real
  28. Heartbreak always sucks
  29. I have a big ego
  30. Never have any regret
  31. I can have a best guy friend
  32. You cant save someone, no matter how hard you try. Only they can do that.
  33. I can be hopelessly oblivious
  34. I'm extremely disorganized
  35. No matter what happens, I'm graduating high school in a year and a half

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Holiday Thoughts

So in the light of the holidays thought it would be really helpful to look back and think about some things, especially since the end of the year is approaching in a matter of days. And through all of this thinking (and gift opening) I was wondering why it is that I've been so stressed.
Of course it's been because of school, but to me that 's much too vague. So as I ate delicious cheese cake, and enjoyed the beginning of my holidays, I continued to wonder why my stress level has been so high, and how it's been affecting me.
And that's when I realized that the reason I've been so stressed is because I have no stress release.
After this realization, I was immediately brought back to a Saturday morning where I woke up and the first thought on my mind was
"Jesus, I have APUSH homework."
Which then proceeded the daily stress induced hours of me making a mental checklist of all the homework I still didn't do.
Being brought back to that memory made me realize that the stress that I had would overwhelm me to the point where it was just always there.
And maybe I'm not the only one with that problem.
That said, it's time for me to figure out ha it is that can take that stress aay, so that I don't feel like my life is a huge clock, ticking away to my future.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

What's the Difference?

They say that you should work on yourself after a break up. But nobody tells you how hard that is. Especially when you don't know what it is your feeling, and what it is you should do about it.
Because your head is telling you that you need to focus on your life, and at the time, this idea seems to be the best you've ever had, until you realize that your heart is telling you what seems to be the exact opposite.
And so once again the question of balance comes to mind.
I really feel like my posts are full of all these questions nobody is answering.
Because I really want to know: how do I differentiate between what should be done and what has to be done?
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Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Big Question

Teenagers have the tendency to forget about everything in the world but themselves, and I've always asked myself, why?
Are they being selfish?
I can't lie. That's partly it.
But I just realized something. It's not only the fact that teenagers are being completely self absorbed.
It's the fact that it seems like are 100 things going on in your life all of the time.
I mean, you're falling in love, finding yourself, realizing who your true friends are, arguing with your parents about whether what you actually feel for this guy is love, and then possibly even getting your heart broken, even though you're still trying to figure out if you were in love. Meanwhile, your grades seem to be fluctuating more than the stocks on Wall Street, and colleges are sending you mail daily, leaving you with a permanent headeache of all the things you must be doing wrong.
And through all of this, you're asking yourself,
What the hell is going on?
In the blink of an eye, your life feels like a show, flashing before you, escaping through your fingers and you think, these college emails are right;
time is ticking.
So the big question is, what are you supposed to do about this stress inducing chaos that is now your life? How do you balance all these things; love, friends, family, school, college, even yourself, all of which seemed to appear at the same time?

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Saturday, December 3, 2011

What do we do?

There seems to be a common theme to all of my recent posts, and it's been college. All
i can say is, that's the thought in my mind that hasn't disappeared since the beginning of junior year.
I mean it's been on the minds of all the juniors.
Like I've mentioned before, the time is ticking.
And that's exactly how it feels. Like a huge clock ticking in our heard constantly.
The concept of college excites me and terrifies me at the same time.
I'm excited to go and be on my own, to meet new people from different places and just talk to them. I'm excited to write about my life in college.
But then again, college looms over me and stresses me out, just like it does to the rest of the juniors.
Where am I going to be in a year and a half?
that question drives me insane, especially when I feel like junior year is the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life.
I mean, AP Bio? Who would think cells would be so complicated?
And English, the class I've always prided myself in, is the one where I have to read the most dense book I've ever encountered, where it takes me to 2 hours to read ten pages.
And once again, I'm not the only person feeling like this. Just have a conversation with any other junior in UCHS.
So I ask myself, what do we do?

How do we get past this? Because no matter what happens, the clock continues to tick.