Sunday, April 18, 2010

Chasing perfection

My dad likes to tell me : "chase perfection knowing you'll never get it.In the process, you'll be the next best thing, excellent. When he told me that, I was in middle school. I was insecure and yearning to fit in. I had no clue what he was trying to tell me, and to be honest, I was so caught up in my life I didn't try to figure out what he meant. Chase perfection? What was that supposed to mean? To me, he was trying to tell me I wasn't good enough. I would never be good enough because he wanted me to be perfect, and who was I? Only Michelle. Well. I finally get it, years later, when I'm older and more mature. He didn't want me to be perfect. He wanted me to be the exception. If you look around, there are so many people who are fine with being just okay. But you shouldn't just want to be okay. You need to be bigger than that, because you only live once, and you don't always get what you want. To get close, though, you have to bust your hump. Because in reality, it's not the people who are mediocre who get what they want. Life isn't some fairytale where some random prince from far far away sweeps you off your feet and suddenly everything is okay. The most successful people are the people who never give up, who take the nrrow path to what they want. If you want to be remembered, you need to give people a reason to remember you. I mean, there are like a trillion people that are on this planet, and if there's nothing different about you and them you're going to be a part of a huge blob of nothing. You need to be something, and the only for you to do that is to be yourself and and live life to the fullest. Chase perfection but make sure you know you'll never get it. In the end, you'll be excellent.

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully said! When people ask me why I love teaching, one of the first things that usually comes to mind is the fact that I am continuously learning from and inspired by my students. This post is a prime example :) Thanks for totally making my Monday by motivating me to make it a great week!
