Wednesday, March 28, 2012

It's just hair.
That's what my dad told me today when I was on the verge of pure outrage as I looked at the disaster called my hair in the mirror, and tried to explain to him these passed two days have been the ugliest my hair has looked in years.
And as I said this, my dad listened calmly, and said:
It's just hair.
And he proceeded in explaining that he understood exactly how I felt .
You have an image in your head of what your hair should look like, but for some reason there''s one piece of hair that sticks out. Or your bangs grew to long on one side, and your hair curls at the ends even after three hours of using your instyler.
And you're like, WHY?!

Hearing my dad speak these words made me feel like, yeah, I'm not the only person that wants to rip their hair out from the roots because of bad hair days.

And it made me think about being a junior in UCHS, but not just a junior, one of the first juniors of UCHS, with no seniors to look up to.
I mean, there's tons of upperclassman that can give me advice, but you have to ask yourself; will they truly understand your experience?
And this, in my opinion, is the biggest disadvantage of bieng in the first class. I have no one to say, yeah, I struggled in Ms. Lehnert's AP bio class last year too. This is what I did. Or, yeah, I remember those APUSH notes, they're torture if you leave them for the night before.
But I don't have that. and every once in a while, I wish I did.
Sometimes I wish I could just write for the newspaper that's already been created, instead of having to start it from almost nothing , so I could know how it feels to have an editor, instead of being one.Sometimes, I wish we could have kids who went to our school come back from college and talk to us about their UCHS days.

And maybe that 's why I can't wait to come back to UCHS. When I'm at University of Rochester, or Syracuse, sit on that stage in the cafetorium, and recount stories about my freshman days, and my first SAT mock test.
Because I want to make sure the students below me understand that even though our school is uncommon, they're not the only ones who experience UCHS.
I want to be able to come back and say, I was right where you are, and even though you're up to your necks in stress and pressure, it is possible, because I did it.

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