Monday, October 11, 2010

It's a Challenge

Writing for the newspaper reminds me of what Eminem says in his song white America. It's like someone is going through my words with a haired toothed comb, and it's not something I'm used to. My initial reaction is to get upset and complain how i can't write exactly how i want to. To say that they are forcing me to write what they want. But that isn't true. It's just really different from blogging, where it's encouraged to write exactly what's on your mind. It doesn't matter what they think of it because this isn't their blog, it's yours.But even a column isn't like that. It's not like writing articles. To me it seems harder. Because you have more freedom, and you have the power to voice your opinion. But the thing is, you need to learn to use it. Just writing it out doesn't do anything if it's just there.You have an audience now. With great power comes great responsibility.

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