Monday, May 21, 2012

Day One

Now if some of you were missing the juniors in school today (which I know you were ), you may have noticed that they weren't school today, and won't be for the next two weeks.
But if you're lucky, you may see  a junior walking up the stairs to the sixth floor.
And if you're wondering what we're doing, we're creating a piece of theater for our trip to Scotland, and we're affectionately known as the Scotland group.
And today was day one of creating our piece of theater.
No I can't say much, and you guys are pretty much going to have to wait till we perform on June 8th.
But  I will say, that beginning of the process of making monologues, and writing two paged scenes on the infrastructure of America has been a unique and exciting challenge.
So the Scotland group has a great start, and I hope that all juniors enjoyed Day One of their internships.
Until next time.

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